Thursday, May 5, 2011

Lots going on...

I'm finally back to blogging! April was kind of a rough month as I got a bad cold/fever and was down and out for over 2 weeks. It feels like someone has been sick in our family every day for nearly 3 months! Anyway, we're finally all healthy again, so I just wanted to post some long overdue pictures.

Taylor on her birthday looking cute. No reason for this one, I just like it :)

I went to visit Katie and help take care of the twins when they were about a month old and it was so fun! Getting me all prepped for a newborn again...

This one is Lyla (she wanted her arms out of the blanket) and the one above is June. Aren't they precious? Hope our next is just as cute.

And here is a family picture from a few weeks ago. You can see my growing belly (at 27 weeks). Believe it or not, this was the best shot of Taylor...2 year olds are NOT easy to photograph!

Lots more pictures to come as we will have the whole Hagen family together this weekend in Midway. Maybe then we can get a smile out of Taylor :)


  1. What a cute family! So glad you're feeling better now. We'll have to get together and play sometime before we leave in August!

  2. you guys look great! i love you pregnant because you're so itty bitty its cute.
    and i'm still always shocked at how tiny lyla and june were. this may sound crazy, but i wish i'd taken more pictures in those first few weeks. they just changed so fast and i was too nuts to try and be a good photographer...
