Friday, February 11, 2011

Cooking and Play Dates

Well, we have had another great week thanks to the morning sickness phase being over! All the foods that were so nauseating for so many months are now not bad at all. I have had a blast finding new recipes to cook, and I think Blake is grateful for my return to the kitchen. He loves to cook and used to do all the cooking when I was working full-time (I know, I'm super lucky) but now that he works until 7pm in Sandy (meaning he doesn't get home until approximately 7:43pm most nights) we'd both prefer that I prepare dinner so we can eat together when he gets home.

Evenings are pretty much a whirlwind now as I try to have dinner on the table by 7:45, eat (and feed Taylor), do the dishes, do family scripture study at 8:15, get Taylor ready for bed (a LONG process as she has learned to stall..."one more book?") and get her to bed somewhere around her bedtime of 8:30 (usually later as she and daddy like to play for a bit). It's an exhausting process, but well worth it to spend time together as a family.

Also, when the alarm on my phone goes off every night at 8:15, it's cute to hear Taylor say, "Time for scriptures!" (Yeah, I have to set an alarm to remember to read the scriptures...pathetic, maybe, but at least it works!). Taylor has her own animated, lift-the-flap version of the Book of Mormon and it's fun to hear what she says as she looks through it: "Oh, Lehi and the Lee-hona! He's learning to share!" (as he shows the "lee-hona" to Nephi). Or, looking at the picture of Abinadi, "Hey, where's his shirt?" (that one always makes us laugh).

Well, that is our life as of late. Taylor and I don't get out much (except for the short, chilly walks we sometimes take...I hate the winter!) because Blake needs the car for his commute to Sandy every day. I've been wanting to get the kids together for play dates with lots of you (Jen, Danae, Tess, Naomi, etc.) so if you have a car or a way to get here, you are invited over! Taylor's best friend up to this point has been my in-laws dog, Sawyer. Now that I've seen her on all fours trying to drink out of his water bowl, I think it's time for some human best friends. Especially since we're getting into the potty-training phase...and that's one thing I certainly don't want her to learn from a dog :)


  1. That picture is precious!!! What a good idea to set an alarm for scripture study. And I love Taylor's so so cute. Yes, we have a car most days and would love to come over. Not that we can help Taylor with potty training at all, but having a little one around will certainly help her get used to what's in her near future!

  2. Yes, we definitely need to get together soon! We are going out of town this next week but we will set something up for the end of the month/beginning of next month. Can't wait to see you guys!
