Thursday, February 3, 2011

Still Learning...

So, I'm thinking it was a mistake to show Taylor the pictures in my "Your Pregnancy Week by Week" book. She wanted to see what I was reading, so I showed her what her baby sibling looks like right now...then she requested to see every picture in the whole book ("Can I see more pictures of babies?").
The picture of the developing baby on the "Week 30" chapter was cute enough, but when Taylor turned backwards in the book and got to the chapter for "Week 6" it was a little hard to explain why the baby didn't have full arms and legs or a face of any kind. Tay got a confused look on her face and decided she was done looking at the "pictures of babies." Maybe from now on, mommy's books should only be for mommy.

1 comment:

  1. I always found that children carefully seem to say "stop" the moment things become kind of "threatening" for their souls and their little world.

    Our son Benedict (6) still sometimes says "Mom, I´d rather prefer not to hear/learn more about this, please".

    (Hope I could express this idea in English).
    Dearest Greetings from Cologne
